Find the mean of transport that suits you the most

  • CAR: you are safe and warm, and you can even enjoy listening to music. However, you need to be very patient when your stuck in traffic and you also have to set a fuel budget.
  • SCOOTER: you don’t have to provide a physical effort and you’re not concerned by the traffis. But when it’s cold or rainning, it turns into a nightmare!


  • BIKE: like the scooter, you’re not safe from the weather and on top of that it’s a physical effort, but the advantage is that you’re far from the traffics.
  • TRAMWAY: it is less polluting than cars or scooters but during rush hour, you have to be very close to other users or worse, you can even give up going inside the tram.


  • WALKING: Besides being lucky to live close to the university, you’re not bothered by the traffics and it’s more ecological and less expensive!


songs used : “singing in the rain” by Gene Kelly; “Main title and first victim” by John Williams

videos used : “carpool karaoke” with Selena Gomez; “9éme étape du tour de France” by Francetv sport



Hi there !!! So to make it short we are 3 “serious” girls studying biology in University but that’s not the point!! We guess that you might have understand what our blog will be about from the title which is : from 0 to 20. Right ?If you think just a little bit you can figure out that it’s about improving . But what will we try to improve through this blog? Well because we love suspense we will let you figure it out in our next post, but we can give you a hint : it’s something us, students have in common………

Got it? Then see you soon!